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Were You Injured in a Seattle Car Accident? Take These Steps Before Calling an Attorney!


If you’ve been injured in a car accident on the busy surface streets, state highways or interstates in or around Seattle, you may already be thinking about calling an attorney to consult about your injuries and your rights to compensation. But before you pick up the phone – there are some things you should first consider and some steps you should take to make the process run smoother.

#1 Take Care of the Legal Issues Immediately when an accident happens, the first call should be to 911 so the police can come and begin their investigation and your injuries can be evaluated by emergency medical personnel. Also within 24-48 hours (depending on the requirements of your insurance policy), you’ll need to notify your insurance company that you were involved in an accident. Limit this call to just date and time of the accident and don’t get into blame or discuss your injuries.

#2 Gather Witness Information At the scene of the accident, if at all possible, get contact information from any bystanders or eye witnesses that saw the accident and are willing to make a statement about it. If you’re able, take photos and/or videos of the position of the vehicles. You can also record eyewitness statements on video, but also be sure to get their contact information so they can be called on if necessary to substantiate your personal injury case.

#3 Get Medical Treatment If the emergency medical personnel want to load you in the ambulance and take you from the scene, let them. If they advise you to take yourself to the hospital as soon as possible, be sure to follow instructions. Once at the hospital (or urgent care facility), let the physicians take whatever diagnostic measures they recommend including x-rays, MRI or CT scans and then let them provide you whatever medical care they feel is appropriate.

#4 Shop Around for an Attorney After you take the three steps above, you’re ready to call an attorney. But what attorney should you call? Most people don’t have a clue where to turn and make the mistake of calling a flashy attorney from TV commercials or the first name they see on a Google search. Instead, check out these credible and highly respected attorney review services: and for a local attorney near you with expertise in your type of injury.

Make the Call to Attorney Rob Kornfeld
