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The Importance of Journaling after a Traumatic Brain Injury

woman journaling, holding coffee, looking out window

Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most difficult injuries to treat. To this day, the human brain remains quite a mystery in the medical world, and there’s often no black and white answer to how a person’s brain will recover or adjust after it experiences trauma.

One important and beneficial technique for the recovery process is post-accident journaling.

The Benefits of Journaling

After a brain injury, it can be hard to express yourself properly out loud and deal with the many emotions you may be feeling. Additionally, many brain injury survivors suffer from mood disorders, including anxiety and depression.

These mood disorders can be amplified by the fact that damage to the brain can disrupt normal life, make it difficult to form new memories, and negatively impact relationships and social skills. Journaling is a great therapeutic technique to help empower brain injury survivors by allowing them to write down their honest feelings and provide a sense of release. Plus, it’s free, confidential, and easy to do at any time or place.

On top of being beneficial for your emotional health, a journal can also be used as evidence to solidify your personal injury claim later on by showing just how much your life has been impacted because of your injury.

What to Include in Your Journal

There’s no “wrong way” to journal after a brain injury. Whatever helps or works for you, keep doing. If you’re new at the process and don’t know where to start, here are some things that may be helpful to write down in your journal:

  • Your daily life, including activities and feelings you have throughout the day
  • Anything you remember about the accident
  • How your life has changed since the accident
  • Whether you have had to miss work
  • Each doctor’s visit and what they are telling you
  • How much you are relying on other people, such as family, to be your caregivers
  • What your pain levels are and whether they increase during certain activities
  • Any other symptoms, such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, or fatigue
  • Your fears for the future

If you or a loved one sustained a brain injury in an accident, our Seattle brain injury attorneys are standing by ready to guide you through the legal process. Contact Kornfeld Law at (425) 657-5255 to speak with our head attorney, Rob Kornfeld, for free today.