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What Are the Most Dangerous Holidays to Be on the Road?


According to studies, the holidays are significantly less safe for drivers than other busy times of the year. In fact, motor vehicle collisions increase by 34% over the holidays. Fatal accidents also increase by 38% around this time.

Although holidays like St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, and Labor Day commonly see increases in DUIs, New Year’s Day and Thanksgiving are the two most dangerous holidays of the year. On Thanksgiving, injuries increase by 100% and deaths increase by 64%. On New Year’s Day, accidents increase by 95%, while fatalities increase by more than 54%.

Safe Driving Tips for the Holiday Season

Because accidents and injuries tend to increase around this time of the year, we want to provide you with a few helpful tips that can keep you safe when you are driving around this holiday season:

  • Don’t Drink & Drive: If you will be traveling on the road over the holidays, avoid consuming large quantities of alcohol. Even if you don’t feel drunk, a few extra sips of alcohol can put you over the legal limit for driving. In fact, a drunk driver is twice as likely as a sober driver to be involved in a car accident. If you do drink alcohol this holiday season, make sure you allow yourself enough time to become sober before driving, or make alternative accommodations that keep you off the road. 
  • Don’t Rush: Traveling around the holidays can be hectic, which is why it is important to leave yourself enough time to get to your destination. Driving fast to make up time will only put yourself and others on the road in danger of being involved in a serious accident. Manage your time responsibly and remember that it is better to drive safely and arrive late, than to rush and cause an accident.
  • Be Alert: Don’t drive when you are exhausted or feeling sleepy. Even if you want to get home fast, give yourself some time to rest until your body feels more alert and capable of concentrating on the road.
  • Avoid Busy Travel Hours: Plan your trip ahead of time and know which times of the day have the highest amount of traffic. Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve, Christmas Eve, and Christmas morning are usually the busiest days to travel on, so leave earlier if possible. Busy roads make it more likely for car accidents to occur.
  • Prepare for Emergencies: You never know when you will be in an accident, which is why you should keep an emergency kit in your vehicle. Your emergency kit should contain road flares and lighting, jumper cables, a phone charger, water, and kitty litter for gaining tire traction.  

Kirkland Personal Injury Frim

If you or a loved one are involved in a car accident over the holidays, you should immediately contact our lawyers to discuss your rights under the law. We can review the details of your case and build a legal strategy that will protect your rights and allow you to pursue maximum compensation.

Call (425) 657-5255 today to schedule your free consultation with one of our Kirkland personal injury attorneys.
